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Acasă Articole RTR Imaginea Dunării în proza scurtă a lui Fănuş Neagu

Imaginea Dunării în proza scurtă a lui Fănuş Neagu


The Image of Danube in Fănuş Neagu`s short stories

The most dedicated author of the magical space of Dobrogea, Fănuş Neagu, ”sings” the Danube and the entire S-E of the Romanian territory like no one has done it before, in our literature. He is often called the poet of Bărăgan, the writer of Danube Plain. He is also the creator of many wonderful images, idyllic spaces and worlds full of wonders. In our paper we are writing about the image and the meaning of Danube in Fănuş Neagu`s short stories and about the aspects and the situations in which”The Great River” appears in some of his writings.

Keywords: Fănuş Neagu, short story, Danube, images, magical world

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