Acasă Articole RTR Genurile romanului românesc în secolul al XIX-lea. O analiză cantitativă

Genurile romanului românesc în secolul al XIX-lea. O analiză cantitativă


The Genres of the 19th Century Romanian Novel. A Quantitative Analysis

This article approaches a series of conceptual optimizations of the subgenres of the Romanian 19th century novels established by the Chronological Dictionary of the Romanian Novel from Origins to 1989 (2004). Starting by analyzing the corpus of works digitized for ASTRA Data Mining. The Digital Museum of the 19th Century Romanian Novel, the authors revisit possible definitions of some of the most preeminent and discussed typologies of the 19th century novel production in Romania: the outlaw novel, the social novel, the novel of manners, the rural novel, the historical novel, the sensation novel, the erotic novel, and the family novel. The central goal of the article is, therefore, to shape a taxonomy that fits the formal, thematical, and rhetorical variety of the Romanian novel in the 19th century.

Keywords: genre theory, 19th century literature, Romanian literature, Romanian novel, novel subgenres.


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