Acasă Articole RTR Florina Pârjol, Destinul unui formator de gusturi

Florina Pârjol, Destinul unui formator de gusturi


The destiny of a taste formative writer. From the savour of the gastronomic review to the bitter taste of compromising

The article aims to show how the communist ideology penetrated the literary discourse of one of the most interesting authors of the inter-war period, Al. O. Teodoreanu, famous for his literary gastronomic articles published in the 30’s. The author is imprisoned by the communists in late 1950’s and is forced to pay a tribute to the regime by introducing in his gastronomic articles praises of the new power. The article is supposed to see the “evolution” of the author from the glorious and liberal period before the Second World War to the end of his life with a focus on the gastronomic literature.

Keywords: gastronomic reviews, communist ideology, Newspeak, compromise, gastroliterature, wooden language

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