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Acasă Articole RTR Europa (U.E.) anul „60” Strategiile creșterii: între fragilitate și vigoare

Europa (U.E.) anul „60” Strategiile creșterii: între fragilitate și vigoare


Europe (EU) year “60”. Growth strategies: between fragility and force

This study aims to present the pattern of economic growth in Western Europe and then in the European Union after 1950, but before. What were the motors as shown and the relationship of investment – profitability, the economic – social ? Emphasis has been put on the examples of Germany and France: what is the nearest genre and what were and are the specific differences? What conclusions can be drawn? What role has the International Monetary Fund? Here are the issues and questions that we have come to answer.

Keywords: strategies, accumulations, investments, jobs, salaries, IMF, austerity, social.


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