Elie Miron Cristea şi „Astra”. Noi contribuţii
Lucian GIURA, Maura Geraldina GIURA
Descriere autor:
Universitatea „Lucian Blaga” din Sibiu, Facultatea de Științe Socio-Umane, Facultatea de Litere și Arte,
E-mail personal autor:
5 / 2015
Istorie si studii culturale
Elie Miron Cristea and ASTRA. New documents
The entire life and activity of the one who was to become the first Patriarch of the Roumanians (1925- 1935) identifies with the creed and the aspirations of the Roumanian people. His untiring and overflowing intense activity unfolds on multiple plans: theology and teaching, politics and culture ș. a. Elie Miron Cristea was a fine, profound and far-reaching man of culture with a remarkable contribution to this domain. He was firmly convinced that only through massive cultural uplift our national desiderata could be fulfilled. The direction of his life was permanently accompanied by an unfailing patriotism, by an unparalled altruism, enjoying the appreciation of the contemporaries.
This study, written on the bases of unpublished sources, kept in the Archives of Sibiu, comes to complete the information regarding the activity carried on by Elie Miron Cristea within the Transylvanian Association for the culture and literature of the Roumanian People.
Keywords: Miron Cristea, „ASTRA”, correspondence, metropolit, patriarch.