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Acasă Articole RTR De la ritualizarea poeziei la traumă. Unicornul, Orfeu, Euridice și alte măști...

De la ritualizarea poeziei la traumă. Unicornul, Orfeu, Euridice și alte măști mitologice ale poeziei lui Cezar Baltag


Abstract: Cezar Baltag was part of the 1960s generation, whose goal was to detach poetry from the cliché of socialist realism, even at the cost of an ideological commitment, even if formal, of the first books, in order to discover its own tone following increasingly accentuated experiments. In the best volumes, the big stake is virtuosity, the poems are musical and their effect risks being consumed with the reading performance; in any case, something interesting happens at the level of reception: the reader is forced to become an interpreter, the poem is no longer read only with the eye, but demands the ear and even incites mobility. They are poems that beg to be read aloud, recited, sung or even danced. It’s a poem-show, which needs to be represented, even if it’s virtual. In other stages, the poet will use a dense mythological network (with a preference for Orpheus and Eurydice) to subtly thematize death, so that in the last books he breaks out of the bookish convention, writing a poem of the trauma of separation from the beloved being.

Keywords: state socialist realism, escapism, mythology, Orpheus, modernism, experiment, trauma


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