Acasă Articole RTR Cuvinte și construcții asemănătoare în argoul francez și în cel românesc

Cuvinte și construcții asemănătoare în argoul francez și în cel românesc


Words and similar constructions in French and Romanian Slang

In many European (and non-European) slangs there are identical or similar words and constructions, although the origin or explanation of these phenomena are not always very clear. If the case of terms of Romani origin, long present in almost all European slangs, things are relatively simple and easy to understand (e.g., the French choucard and the Romanian șucar come from the Romani śukar), in other cases etymological similarity is harder to spot. For example, the French chiée and the Romanian căcălău have the same origin (the Latin cacare) and sense: ‘(very) long, high volume, enormous’. Other times, the existence of identical or similar constructions between two (or more) slangs betrays a certain commonly shared forma mentis of the slang users.

Keywords: French slang, Romanian slang, identical/similar words/phrases/constructions


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