Acasă Articole RTR Concepția lui Ioan Petru Culianu despre literatură

Concepția lui Ioan Petru Culianu despre literatură


Ioan Petru Culianus Conception on Literature

The present study is focused on excavating (from interviews, fictional literature,  diary pages etc.) a coherent conception of Ioan Petru Culianu’s on literature. The historian of religions understood literature as myth (a secular and non-ritual  myth, nevertheless a proper one) – therefore, literature is for him not simply a passtime, but the crux and culmination  of his scientific studies. His literary method thus also serves as camouflage of his scientific method, always working in codependence  with it.

Keywords:  history  of religions,  Entzauberung  der Welt, Ioan Petru Culianu, literary method as scientific method
