Acasă Articole RTR Liliacul angelic

Liliacul angelic


The Angelic Bat

Dimitrie Cantemir is the first Romanian writer who takes the freedom to disobey the medieval convention on the symbol; in his baroque literature, he uses a large area of symbols, but not in their spirit; he modifies them according to his aesthetic aims. In this particular case of our investigation, he transforms the bat into an intelligent and courageous character, who dares to oppose all the animals for the truth’s sake; the transformation is rather surprising, as long as in all European bestiaries the bat was quite unanimously considered to be an epitomic figureof (d)evil.
Keywords: Romanian literature, Dimitrie Cantemir, bestiaries, symbolical animals, bat.

  • Albert the Great, Man and the Beasts. De animalibus (Books 22-26), translated by James J. Scanlan, M.D., Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, Binghamton, New York, 1987.
  • Jurgis Baltrušaitis, Evul Mediu fantastic/Medieval fantasy, traducere de Valentina Grigorescu, Editura Meridiane, Bucureşti, 1975.
  • Buffon, Pagini din Istoria naturală/Pages from the Natural History, traducere, prefaţă şi note de de Pan Izverna, Editura Ion Creangă, Bucureşti, 1981.
  • Roger Callois, În inima fantasticului/In the heart of the fantastic heart, traducere de Iulia Soare, Editura Meridiane, Bucureşti, 1971.
  • D. Cantemir, Cantemir, Opere, Vol. I, Divanul, Istoria ieroglifică, Hronicul vechimei a romano-moldovlahilor/ Ad-hoc committees, Hieroglyphical history, Chronicle of the Roman-Moldovian-old Vlachs, ediţie de Virgil Cândea, Editura Academiei Române şi Univers Enciclopedic.
  • Esop, Fabule/Fables, traducere de Traian Lăzărescu, Editura Minerva, Bucureşti, 1980.
  • Isidor din Sevilla, Etymologiae/Etymologies, în Robert M. Grant, Early Christians and Animals, Routledge, London& New York, 1999.
  • Gabriel Mihăilescu, Universul baroc al „Istoriei ieroglifice” între retorică şi imaginar/Baroque universe”Hieroglyphical history” between rhetoric and imaginary, Academia Română, Fundaţia Naţională pentru Ştiinţă şi Artă, Institutul de Istorie şi Teorie Literară „G. Călinescu”, Bucureşti, 2002.
  • Michel Pastoureau, Bestiaire du Christ, bestiaire de Diable. Attribut animal et mise en scène du divin dans l’image médiévale/Bestiary of Christ, Satan’s bestiary. Attribute animal and staging divine image in the Middle Age, în volumul Couleurs, images, symboles. Études d’histoire et d’anthropolgie/Colors, images, symbols. Historical Studies and anthropolgie, Editions Le Léopard d’Or, Paris, 1988.
  • Plinius, Naturalis Historia, ediţie îngrijită, prefaţă şi note de Ioana Costa, volumul al II-lea, Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 2001.