Bogdan-Alexandru Stănescu. De la apelativul memoriei la emergența maximalistă
Alexandra CÎRCU
Descriere autor:
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Faculty of Letters
E-mail personal autor:
[email protected]
Studii literare
Bogdan-Alexandru Stănescu: From Memory Appeal to Maximalist Emergence
Abstract: This paper aims at analyzing the connection between the contemporary Romanian literature and world literature through the emergence of maximalist novel embodied in Bogdan-Alexandru Stănescu’s novel, Abraxas. The author belongs to the 2000 generation, a generation which has neglected the postmodern maximalist approach. Therefore, I intend to analyze the emergence of maximalism in Bogdan-Alexandru Stănescu’s novel by indicating the tension it generated in regards with the previous minimalist formula and by observing the connection of literature with the socio-economic context of the 2000’s.
Keywords: Bogdan-Alexandru Stănescu, maximalist novel, minimalism, Generation 2000.
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