Acasă Articole RTR Andreea Mironescu, Postcomunismul ca spațiu al amintirii: considerații conceptuale

Andreea Mironescu, Postcomunismul ca spațiu al amintirii: considerații conceptuale


Post-communism as a Space of Remembrance: Conceptual Remarks

In Romania and other East-European countries, post-communism is either seen as a period of voluntary oblivion, or, on the contrary, as a time of directional recollection, imposed by the canon of critically remembering „bad” communism as opposed to a nostalgia-filled „good” one. Trying to move past this false distinction, the first part of this paper briefly analyses the various types of recollecting life and socialization in communism, such as biographical, generational, historical or artistically reshaped memories. The second part discusses Jan and Aleida Assmann’s model of collective memory and seeks to investigate the critical function of literature with regard to cultural memory, pleading for a political and aesthetical approach to contemporary Romanian fiction.

Keywords: idiosyncratic memories, canonical vs. subversive memory, post-communism, Romania

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