Acasă Articole RTR Ioana Andreea Mircea, Geografia literară ca paradigmă a istoriei literare. O abordare...

Ioana Andreea Mircea, Geografia literară ca paradigmă a istoriei literare. O abordare comparatistă


Literary Geography as a Paradigm of Literary History. A Comparative Approach

This paper aims to explore the situation and prospects of literary geography in the Romanian culture, especially its recent manifestations with reference to Western academia. Therefore many projects of transnational literary historiography emerged in the early XXI century are based on a geographic component, reflected by concepts such as “topographic nodes” (Marcel Cornis-Pope), “archipelago” (Hervé Thery) “(pen)insular” (César Dominguez) by recourse to atlases (Franco Moretti) or even GIS maps. In these circumstances, the question arises to what extent the literary geography works published in Romania (like Geography of Romanian Literature, today signed by Cornel Ungureanu) managed to synchronize with the western direction, represented by the research mentioned above. The originality of this paper lies in questioning Cornel Ungureanu volumes in relation to the similar synthesis from West and also in self-reflection on the ways in which ethnicity, historical evolution and cultural patterns determine the profile of a literature and culture of a predefined geographic area.
Keywords: literary geography, spatiality, literary history

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